It’s World Menopause Day!
We bet you didn’t know that October 18 is actually an international holiday. One that we should be celebrating, toasting to and acknowledging across the world. October 18 is World Menopause Day, a time to come together and raise awareness of the menopause as well as explore support options available for women. Each year, professional organizations participate in this global awareness campaign by sharing materials and networks, engaging their communities and sharing in World Menopause Day across social media.
World Menopause Day was founded in an effort to support women who feel lost while going through menopause, a process that occurs when the body stops producing eggs for ovulation and your oestrogen plummets, wreaking havoc on the body and mind through a variety of symptoms. No two women’s experiences are the same, and being aware of the feelings and symptoms are paramount in having as positive of an experience as possible around this monumental life shift. For many women, it can be difficult to even know if they are going through menopause (it’s commonly defined as not having a period for 12 months in a row, and tends to occur in women at around ages 45-55). The time that leads up to menopause is called perimenopause, and many women don’t know they’re experiencing that either.
So join us in championing, in celebrating World Menopause Day this year. Let’s engage women and let them know that there are a variety of resources that have their back during this time. We’ve outlined a few of them below:
Gen M: Gen M’s mission is to improve the menopause experience for all. We're uniting brands, organisations, and employers to better support everyone impacted.
International Menopause Society: The mission of the International Menopause Society (IMS) is to work globally to promote and support access to best practice health care for women through their menopause transition and post-reproductive years, enabling them to achieve optimal health and well-being.
North American Menopause Society: This organization connects medical professionals and women and setting essential standards for health providers, thereby assuring high-quality care for women at menopause and beyond.
National Menopause Foundation: The National Menopause Foundation was established to create a positive change in how people perceive, understand and experience Menopause.