Menopause Awareness Month!

Menopause Awareness Month!

September is Menopause Awareness Month, and so we’ve taken the opportunity to spread the word and help educate our visitors about Menopause and the Pelvic Floor.

Understanding how and why Menopause affects our bodies and the way we feel can help us to maintain that overall wellness when your body starts progressing into such change.

So, what exactly is the Menopause?

The Menopause is a natural part of ageing and occurs when a woman no longer has periods and is no longer able to get pregnant naturally. When your ovaries stop producing eggs, the level of oestrogen in your body begins to fall. However, the symptoms can present up to five years beforehand during the time your oestrogen is gradually declining. This is known as ‘Peri-Menopause’.

There are many articles online that can help you gather useful Menopause information, from what to expect and experiences and tips from fellow women.

According to the NHS Online most women will experience the following menopausal symptoms:

  • hot flushes
  • night sweats
  • vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex
  • difficulty sleeping
  • low mood or anxiety
  • reduced sex drive (libido)
  • problems with memory and concentration

Typical lifestyle changes that can help are, eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. These combined will help you maintain a healthy weight and keep you fit and strong which can improve menopausal symptoms.

If all the hormonal changes that occur through menopause weren’t enough, many women that have been through menopause have also suffered from bladder weakness due to a weakened pelvic floor. If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re not alone! – over 50% of all women experiencing menopause suffer from urge or stress urinary incontinence as a result.

Having to rush to the toilet frequently and suffering from leaks when sneezing, coughing, jumping and exercising is something women should not have to put up with. Not only does urinary incontinence have these negative effects on day-to-day life but these symptoms can start taking a toll on your confidence and even relationships.

In support of Menopause Awareness Month, INNOVO have teamed up with Sex & Relationship expert Annabelle Knight who is here to not only give advice to women suffering from bladder weakness but to also encourage women to restore their confidence with helpful tips for the bedroom.

INNOVO conducted a recent survey of 2,000 British women* and found that menopausal women are experiencing serious struggles when it comes to intimacy. 30% said that menopause had impacted their sex life due to accompanying incontinence and 50% said that menopause has impacted their confidence when it comes to intimacy with their partners.

Annabelle Knight explains that due to the depleted oestrogen during menopause, women may have to deal with a decrease or loss of their sex drive which can leave couples struggling to readjust to what goes on in the bedroom. Luckily Miss Knight also gives her expert advice for ladies that are suffering from this:

My advice is to be aware of what can happen in the upcoming months, talk to your partner and make a solid plan together, if you plan for the worse but hope for the best you won’t go far wrong.”


Learn more about the impact of the menopause on your pelvic floor here.

It’s never too late to restore your pelvic floor strength and inner confidence. INNOVO’s non-invasive pelvic floor exerciser tackles the root cause of bladder weakness – your weak pelvic floor, rather than just masking the symptoms. A proven solution, or a lifetime of pads?

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