Bladder Weakness Blog

What is Bladder Weakness Costing You?

How much do you value being able to laugh, cough, sneeze without embarrassment?

Overactive Bladder

Overactive Bladder - Causes and Treatment

Overactive Bladder (OAB), similar to frequent urination, is characterised by a sudden and often uncontrollable urge to urinate (more than 7 times in a day).

Providing Solutions for Bladder Problems in Women

Providing Solutions for Bladder Problems in Women

Women experiencing bladder leakage who are becoming aware that it’s not just a natural part of growing older or a typical after-birth symptom

How to do Pelvic Floor Exercises

How to do Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic Floor Expert & Pilates Instructor Jane Wake brings you 5 invisible workouts which guide you through how to do manual pelvic floor exercises.

How to Treat Bladder Prolapse

How to Treat Bladder Prolapse

A bladder prolapse generally occurs when the tissue and muscle network that holds this and other pelvic organs.

Celebrating World Menopause Day!

Celebrating World Menopause Day!

The 18th October is World Menopause Day, an annual celebration day that focuses on raising awareness for the health concerns of women experiencing this significant life stage we know as ‘The...

Managing Your Emotions When You Have Bladder Weakness

Managing Your Emotions When You Have Bladder Weakness

Bladder weakness is a sensitive issue that isn’t always easy to talk about.

How Not to Suffer a Poor Sex Life Due to Incontinence

How Not to Suffer a Poor Sex Life Due to Incontinence

A survey we conducted found that women over 40 experiencing bladder weakness are looking for ways to avoid intimacy in the bedroom

Incontinence Pads vs. INNOVO - Which is More Affordable?

Incontinence Pads vs. INNOVO - Which is More Affordable?

The affordability of INNOVO at £299 is something that comes up often with our customers quite often.

Peeing When You Sneeze, Is It Normal?

Peeing When You Sneeze, Is It Normal?

We’ve all been there - a sneeze catches us unawares in a public place and then we make a sheepish, yet urgent bee line for the nearest loo